Saturday, February 20, 2010

2010 Feb 9

Coming back to Ethiopia

My trip back was a long 35 hour process but glad to be here. It was good to see again the good MAI staff of Ethiopia. I arrived at 7:30 a.m. and went straight to recently rented guesthouse not too far from the main house. There I rested for a time then went to work on things. I got to know our CFO, Marty, who is from Utah who is also staying at the guest house as well.

I quickly became at ease with the surroundings and the culture this time. It is still overwhelming of the population here. It helps to motivate me to take on my responsibilities of this project.

It was good to see Alyssa, whose husband Wes is at Beltu on the farm, and Joe. Paul is in the country and to arrive in the next few days. Paul’s daughter and son in law Mark are in the country too.

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